I'm a bit late on trying these new Sally Hansen Salon Effects because I've been looking for them with no success for about 2 weeks now. The other day while in the valley I randomly stopped by a CVS and low and behold they had an entire stash of every color and pattern imaginable, too bad I missed the buy one get one sale by a couple of days. I ended up choosing the color "Frock Star" because it looked festive and similar to "Happy Birthday" by Deborah Lippmann.
So I'm not gifted when it comes to painting my nails and I wasn't sure how easy this whole process would be for me. After reading someone's review on a fashion board, I went for an alternative method than what the directions called for and glad that I did, thanks
Amber! I ended up cutting the excess off of each nail with the orange stick instead of filing it off, by doing this I was able to use the same strip on two nails instead of one and now I still have enough for another full set. Overall I am pleased with the result, the process was simple and they look awesome! I'm not convinced they will last the entire ten days as the box claims but either way they are a pleasant alternative to painting my nails.
-Love Peace & Vintage